§ 32-18. Shutting off gas pending test of meter.
It shall be unlawful for any gas company to shut off gas from any consumer pending the investigation or testing of a meter when a dispute shall arise in regard to the correctness of a bill. The company shall adjust such bill as shown by the meter test of the inspector back for a period of three months or during the times the meter was in use not exceeding three months. It shall be unlawful for any gas company to shut off or refuse to furnish gas to any consumer on streets where they have mains so long as the consumer shall comply with all lawful requirements, provided that such consumer shall apply for a test of his meter within five days after his gas bill is rendered, and the inspector shall inspect such meter within five days thereafter.
Nothing in this section shall be construed as prohibiting such gas company from shutting off gas when the consumer is in arrears in the payment of any gas bill for 15 days.
(Code of Gen. Ords. 1967, § 17.18)