§ 2-2132. Procurement, processes and publishing of open data.
Whenever possible, technology shall be procured and efficient processes shall be used in a way that advances the policy of making public data and information open and available through the use of open data standards and formats.
To the extent prudent and practical, the city shall:
Proactively publish high quality, public data with documentation (metadata) online;
Make publishable data freely available to all in machine-readable open formats, in both its raw and processed form, including a description of the source and quality of the data;
Ensure publishable data is in the public domain and can be easily retrieved, downloaded, indexed, sorted, searched, analyzed and reused utilizing readily-available and free web search applications and software;
Minimize limitations on the disclosure of public information while appropriately safeguarding protected and sensitive information;
Encourage innovative uses of the city's publishable data by agencies, the public, and other partners; and
Maintain the city's open data portal which shall provide a central location for publishing city data.
The development and implementation of these practices shall be overseen by the chief data officer, reporting to the city manager.
The requirements of this article shall apply to city department or agency and shall include data prepared on behalf of the city by outside parties.
(Ord. No. 150865 , § 1, 10-22-15)