§ 2-1723. Appropriation and apportionment of engineering cost and administrative cost.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    When any public improvement, the cost of which is to be apportioned and assessed against benefited properties, is authorized, an appropriation may be made to cover the cost of engineering and administrative services required as a part of the improvement. Such engineering and administrative services may be provided either by the city engineer or by consulting engineers, or by any combination of the city engineer's forces and any consulting engineer's forces. In the case of street improvements, when the work is performed only by the city engineer's forces, an engineering and administrative appropriation of 16 percent of the construction cost shall be made. When consulting engineers are employed to supplement the city engineer's staff for street improvements, appropriation equal to the actual cost of the engineering performed by the consulting engineer plus an amount equal to five percent of the construction cost for engineering and administration performed by the city engineer shall be made. In the case of sewer improvements, when the work is performed by the city engineer, by consulting engineer, or by any combination of the city engineer's forces and any consulting engineer's forces, an engineering and administrative appropriation of 25 percent of the construction cost shall be made.


    In the apportionment of the cost of an improvement for assessment purposes, there shall be added to the construction cost for projects the following: For engineering and administrative services on street improvements, when the work is performed only by the engineer's forces, there shall be added to the construction cost an amount equal to 16 percent of the construction cost; when street improvements require services of consulting engineers, there shall be added to the construction cost of the project an amount equal to the actual cost for services performed by consulting engineers plus five percent of the construction cost for services provided by the city engineer. For engineering services on sewer improvements, when the work is performed by the city engineer, by consulting engineer, or by any combination of the city engineer's forces and any consulting engineer's forces there shall be added to the construction cost an amount equal to 25 percent of the construction cost.

(Ord. No. 130937 , § 1, 12-19-13)