§ 2-1689. Trafficway maintenance fund.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Establishment. There is hereby established a trafficway maintenance fund to which revenues resulting from special taxes levied and collected by authority of the city council, pursuant to sections 352 through 358, article X, of the Charter. Receipts from special taxes shall be accounted for in the fund by the respective special benefit districts from which such receipts originated.


    Use. Money credited to the trafficway maintenance fund shall be appropriated only for the maintenance, improvement and repair of the trafficway within the respective benefit districts from which the special taxes therefor were respectively collected.

(Admin. Code 1967, § A11.49)

Cross reference

Trafficway districts, § 2-1931 et seq.

Charter reference

Trafficways commission, § 352 et seq.