§ 2-1672. General account codification.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The codification of accounts maintained in the general accounting and budgetary system for each fiscal year, beginning May 1 and ending on the succeeding April 30, shall be as follows:

    1 to 9 Operating funds
    10 to 99 Working capital and auxiliary funds
    100 to 299 Special assessment funds
    300 to 499 Bond and construction funds
    500 to 599 Interest and debt funds
    600 to 799 Trust and agency funds
    800 to 899 Utility funds
    900 to 999 Fixed asset funds
    100 to 299 Current and sundry assets
    300 to 349 Fixed assets
    350 to 399 Budgetary assets
    400 to 499 Current liabilities
    500 to 599 Bonded and other deferred debt
    600 to 699 Reserves and deferred credits
    700 to 749 Budgetary accounts
    750 to 799 Operating accounts
    800 to 899 Surplus and fund balance
    900 to 999 Investment in fixed assets
    1000 to 19999 General government
    20000 to 29999 Police department
    30000 to 36999 Fire department
    37000 to 39999 Traffic department
    40000 to 49999 Public works department
    50000 to 59999 Health department
    60000 to 68999 Department of neighborhood and community services
    69000 to 69999 Municipal auditorium
    70000 to 79999 Parks and recreation department
    80000 to 94999 Utility funds
    95000 to 99999 Nondepartmental


    A Personal services
    B Contractual services
    C Commodities
    E Capital outlay
    G Debt service
    K Bond fund construction
    X Nonbudgetary expenses


    10000 to 15999 General property taxes
    16000 to 19999 Other local taxes
    20000 to 29999 Licenses and permits
    30000 to 34999 Fines and forfeitures
    35000 to 39999 Revenues from use of money and property
    40000 to 49999 Service charges for current services
    50000 to 59999 Revenues from public enterprises
    60000 to 69999 Revenues from other agencies
    70000 to 79999 Nonrevenue receipts
    80000 to 89999 Inter-fund receipts (storerooms)
    90000 to 99999 Transfer from other funds



    The director of finance, with the approval of the city manager, shall prescribe such subsidiary accounts under the general headings set out in subsection (a) of this section as will provide details necessary for the proper presentation of the financial condition and transactions of the city.

(Admin. Code 1967, § A11.30)