§ 2-493. Accounts.  

Latest version.
  • Accounts shall be kept for the water services department distinct from other city accounts, and in such manner as to show all assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses. Such accounts shall show the actual costs to the city of the water services department; the cost of all extensions, additions and improvements; all expenses of maintenance; the amounts set aside for depreciation and debt charges; and all operating expenses of every description. They shall show the cost of any service furnished to or rendered by the department to any other city or governmental department. Insofar as practicable such accounts shall be kept according to the rules prescribed by the public service commission of the state relating to privately owned waterworks and sewer systems. The department shall annually cause to be made and printed for public information a report showing the financial results of the department, which report shall give the information specified in this section and such other information as the council shall deem expedient.

(Ord. No. 070230, § 1, 3-8-07)