§ 2-462. Duties of director.  

Latest version.
  • In addition to the duties imposed upon the director of public works by the Charter or the city manager, it shall be the duty of the director of public works to:


    Provide technical representation at hearings before the state public service commission.


    Have charge of the maintenance of plans, maps, plats and records, including the apportionment of assessments for public improvements.


    Have charge of the development and maintenance of a horizontal control system accurate to the current accepted first order specifications.


    Provide a full range of maintenance and cleaning services, including snow and ice control, for the total roadway system under the jurisdiction of the board of parks and recreation commissioners; to provide these services only upon receipt each year from the board of parks and recreation commissioners of a service resolution duly adopted, which may be modified from time to time as maintenance is required; to be responsible jointly with the department of parks and recreation for personnel and equipment used in snow and ice removal; and to reimburse the department of parks and recreation for only the regular and overtime labor used in such operations.


    Conduct studies of street traffic accidents, traffic congestion and other conditions affecting the safe and convenient use of streets; collect facts regarding the effect and operation of regulations controlling streets and traffic; make recommendations to the city manager concerning legislation or construction affecting the safe and convenient use of the streets; and supervise the placing, installation, maintenance and operation of traffic signs and signals and other traffic control devices.


    Conduct studies of the need for public and private off-street parking facilities and to operate and control such off-street parking facilities as the city may from time to time acquire except those under the control of the aviation department or the parks and recreation department or within the municipal market.


    Provide for the design, construction, repair, maintenance, and providing for the safe and clean operations of all pavements, curbs, streets, alleys, sidewalks, public ways, public on- and off-street parking facilities, bridges, and viaducts, including alterations, replacements, additions and appurtenances.


    Provide for the lighting of public grounds and highways, laying of conduits, the location, erection and construction of poles and all structures in, on or over public grounds and highways, and granting permits to excavate into or disturb any street or public property.

(Admin. Code 1967, § A5.118; Ord. No. 47126, 10-21-76; Ord. No. 55576, 12-8-83; Ord. No. 64306, 7-6-89; Ord. No. 140935 , § A, 12-4-14)