§ 2-1201. Former MAST employees.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Generally. Former MAST employees who became city employees as of April 25, 2010, and who did not become members' of the firefighters' pension system are eligible to participate in the employee's retirement system set forth in this division in lieu of participation in the defined contribution plan set out in division 10. All of the provisions of division 2 will apply to former MAST employees with the exception of sections 2-1173 and 2-1186. For these employees, creditable service and contribution rates will be calculated differently than what is set forth in sections 2-1173 and 2-1186.


    Creditable service. Total creditable service for former MAST employees shall be the sum of membership service from date of employment with the city as of April 25, 2010, to last day on pay status and prior full time service with MAST as computed under this section. For these employees if membership service equals or exceeds 18 months, their prior service shall be the years and full calendar months of employment with MAST preceding April 25, 2010, exclusive of part-time service, based upon the following table:

    Sum of Age and Prior Service as of 4/25/10 Less Adjustment for Prior Retirement
    Percent of Prior
    Service Credit
    Over 80 100%
    74 to 79 90
    68 to 73 80
    62 to 67 70
    56 to 61 60
    50 to 55 50
    44 to 49 40
    38 to 43 30
    32 to 37 20
    26 to 31 10
    20 to 25 5


    The percentage of prior service credit will not be less than five percent in any circumstance.


    Former MAST employee member contributions. All former MAST employees shall contribute the following percentages of compensation beginning with the first pay period following April 25, 2010, and shall cease on the member's retirement date, termination of employment or death:

    Sum of Age and Prior Service as of 4/25/10 Less Adjustment for Prior Retirement
    Employee Contribution
    Over 80 6.0%
    74 to 79 5.0%
    68 to 73 4.8%
    62 to 67 4.6%
    56 to 61 4.4%
    50 to 55 4.2%
    44 to 49 4.1%
    38 to 43 4.0%
    32 to 37 4.0%
    26 to 31 4.0%
    20 to 25 4.0%


    Effective April 20, 2014, all former MAST employees shall contribute the following percentages of compensation and shall cease on the member's retirement date, termination of employment or death:

    Sum of Age and Prior Service as of 4/25/10 Less Adjustment for Prior Retirement
    Employee Contribution
    Over 80 7.0%
    74 to 79 6.0%
    68 to 73 5.8%
    62 to 67 5.6%
    56 to 61 5.4%
    50 to 55 5.2%
    44 to 49 5.1%
    38 to 43 5.0%
    32 to 37 5.0%
    26 to 31 5.0%
    20 to 25 5.0%


(Ord. No. 100607, § 2, 6-23-11; Ord. No. 110588, § 1, 8-4-11; Ord. No. 140976 , § 1, 12-11-14)