§ 18-125. Adoption of Uniform Plumbing Code (2012); amendments.  

Latest version.
  • The Uniform Plumbing Code (2012), promulgated by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials, is adopted and incorporated in this article by reference as if fully set forth, except as it is amended by the following provisions of this section. Provisions of this article are in addition to the provisions of the Uniform Plumbing Code. The following provisions coinciding with provisions of the Uniform Plumbing Code supersede, or delete, when indicated, the corresponding provisions of the Uniform Plumbing Code.

    All references within the model codes to any building, electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing, sewage disposal, elevator, energy conservation, or existing building code shall be construed to be a reference to the respective building, electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing, sewage disposal, elevator, energy conservation, or existing building code specifically adopted by reference in articles II through XIV of this chapter.

    Chapter 1, Administration, is deleted. See article I of this chapter.

    In Section 204.0, the following definition has been revised:

    Building Supply - The pipe carrying potable water from the water main or other source of potable water supply to the first shut-off valve downstream of all of the following (as applicable): 1. the point of entrance into the building; 2. the water meter; and 3. the service backflow prevention device. Building supply shall also mean water service.

    422.0 Minimum Number of Required Fixtures . See Article II of this chapter.

    422.1 through 422.4 and Table 422.1 — Deleted.

    502 Permits. — Deleted. (See Article I of this chapter.)

    503 Inspection. — Deleted. (See Article I of this chapter.)

    601.3 References in this code to building supply (water service) piping shall apply only to building supply piping connected to a private source of water supply. All building supply piping connected to the public water supply is under the jurisdiction of the department of water services.

    603.4.2.1 Certification required to director of water services. Within ten days of installation, repair, or relocation of any backflow prevention assembly that serves as a containment device directly protecting the public water system, the premise owner or other responsible person shall forward to the director of water services a statement executed by the certified backflow assembly tester that the assembly complies with this code and all other applicable statutes, ordinances, regulations, or other law. Location of the assembly shall also be included as part of the certification to the director of water services. Certification for annual or periodic testing shall also be submitted to the director of water services in accordance with the requirements of the director of water services.

    603.5.6 (5) Double check valve backflow preventer

    603.5.6.2 (5) Double check valve backflow preventer

    603.5.6.4 A backflow prevention assembly installed in accordance with Sections 603.5.6 or 603.5.6.2 that serves as the only means of containment from the public water system shall be either a double check valve backflow preventer or a reduced pressure backflow preventer.

    701.1(2) See Article II of this chapter for firestop protection requirements. See Article VI of this chapter for regulation of materials exposed within ducts or plenums.

    Table 701.1, Materials for Drain, Waste, Vent Pipe and Fittings. Insert the following material (remainder of Table unamended):

    Material: PVC (SDR 26); Building Sewer Pipe and Fittings Only; Referenced Standard Pipe & Fittings ASTM D3034.

    710.1 Where the floor elevation of a basement or first story is below the elevation of the curb where the building sewer crosses under the curb or is below the elevation of the finished grade at the property line where the building sewer crosses under a property line and where the floor is also above the crown level of the main sewer, the drainage piping shall drain by gravity into the main sewer. Floor drains and shower drains connected to drainage piping in such floors shall be protected from the backflow of sewage by installing approved type backwater valves. Cleanouts for drains that pass through a backwater valve shall be clearly identified with a permanent label stating "backwater valve downstream."

    804.1 Standpipe Receptors. Plumbing fixtures or other receptors receiving the discharge of indirect waste pipes shall be approved for the use proposed and shall be of such shape and capacity as to prevent splashing or flooding and shall be located where they are readily accessible for inspection and cleaning. No standpipe receptor for any clothes washer shall extend more than 48 inches or less than 30 inches above the finished floor. No trap for any clothes washer standpipe receptor shall be installed more than 12 inches above the finished floor. No indirect waste receptor shall be installed in any toilet room, closet, cupboard or storeroom, or in any other portion of the building not in general use by the occupants thereof; except standpipes for clothes washers may be installed in toilet and bathroom areas when the clothes washer is installed in the same room.

    807.4 Dishwashing Machines. Dishwashing machines shall discharge separately into a trap or trapped fixture. Domestic dishwashing machines may discharge into the tailpiece of the kitchen sink or the dishwasher connection of a food waste grinder.

    901.1.1 Floor Drain. A floor drain (where used as such) need not be vented, provided it is within 25 feet of a three-inch stack or horizontal drain which has at least a three-inch-diameter vent extension through the roof.

    906.1 , Exception: Air Admittance Valves. Vents may terminate to an air admittance valve under the following conditions:


    For sinks located where there is no wall accessible from the sink location (eg. island sinks); or;


    In existing construction, where the existing vent system is not accessible to the fixture location without the removal of finish materials or other existing construction.

    1101.1 Where Required. Roofs, paved areas, yards, courts, courtyards, vent shafts, light wells, or similar areas having rainwater, shall be drained into a separate storm sewer system, or to some other place of disposal satisfactory to the Water Services Department. In the case of one- and two-family dwellings, storm water shall be permitted to be discharged on flat areas, such as streets or lawns, so long as the storm water shall flow away from the building and away from adjoining property, and shall not create a nuisance.

    1102.4 Building Storm Sewers. Building storm sewers shall be in accordance with the applicable standards referenced in Table 701.1 for building sewer pipe and fittings, Table 1401.1, or the adopted KCMO Public Works Design Criteria & Construction Specifications.

    1204 Certificate of Inspection — Deleted. (See Article I of this chapter.)

    1205 Authority to Render Gas Service — Deleted. (See Article I of this chapter.)

    Chapter 15 Firestop Protection . See Article II of this chapter.

    Appendices: The following chapters of the appendix are hereby adopted:

    Appendix C - Alternate Plumbing Systems

    Appendix D - Sizing Stormwater Drainage Systems.

(Ord. No. 040477, § 1, 8-12-04; Ord. No. 040580, § 1, 12-16-04; Ord. No. 071193, § 1, 1-3-08; Ord. No. 120375, § 1, 5-24-12; Ord. No. 150452 , § 3, 6-25-15)