§ 14-12. Keeping of livestock generally; keeping of wild animals.
As used in this section, the term "livestock" includes but is not limited to the following animals: horses, mules, cattle, sheep, goats, swine, ostriches, emus, and cassowaries. No livestock or wild animals of similar or larger size shall be kept, maintained, pastured or fed within 200 feet of the nearest portion of any building in any way used by human beings, other than the dwelling occupied by the owner or keeper of any of such animals. Beyond this limitation of 200 feet, not more than two of such animals shall be kept, provided that the limitation of two horses shall not apply to a commercial riding stable licensed pursuant to section 40-64 as a riding academy, nor shall the limitation of two such animals apply to a commercial stockyard or land zoned for agricultural use. Stables, coops, pens or other structures for the housing of any of such animals shall comply with all zoning restrictions. This section shall not apply to livestock located within property which is zoned district RA or for which a certificate of legal nonconformance for agricultural, horticultural, stables or animal husbandry purposes has been issued.
Livestock shall not be allowed to run at large, and when legally kept must be restrained in a manner and by such means as will prevent such animals from escaping, straying or running at large. Gates used to restrain livestock shall be kept closed with a chain and padlock to minimize vandalism. Each time that livestock are found running loose or not kept as required by this section is a violation.
All manure accumulations in the area where livestock and other animals are kept shall be removed, stored or disposed of in such a manner as to prevent attracting flies, the spread of disease, or noxious odors.
Wild animals not prohibited from being kept as pets shall also be so kept in compliance with the statutes, regulations and treaties of the state and the federal government.
(Code of Gen. Ords. 1967, § 6.12; Ord. No. 48707, 6-22-78; Ord. No. 53297, 10-22-81; Ord. No. 65201, 3-1-90; Ord. No. 930966, 9-2-93; Ord. No. 951372, § 1, 11-9-95)